How to order.

  1. You order the desired device through our online store. You can choose between picking up or shipping.
  2. When you no longer need the device, return it along with the completed rent-to-buy form.
  3. After return, we will refund the remaining amount to your account within 1 week.
  4. You can also choose to keep the device yourself.

Additional Services

We can also take care of entire projects for you, including advice, on-site installation, explanation and demonstration, equipment pick-up and the like. For this, we can provide a custom quote for you. Please contact us for this.


You buy a device and later decide whether you want to keep the device or just rent it. You do not need to specify in advance whether you want to buy or rent a used device. After a unit is rented out, each unit is checked, cleaned and tested.

For each week (or part of the week) you use the projector, it costs 20% of the new price, with a minimum of €35. After 4 weeks the device will automatically be your property. Therefore, if the projector is returned within 4 weeks, you will still receive a partial refund of your purchase price.

Advantages rent-to-buy

  • No need to decide beforehand whether to keep the device or not
  • 2 months warranty
  • Easy ordering through our online store
  • Large selection of devices


Here are a few examples of projects where our equipment has been used.
These are some high-profile shoots, most rentals are for individuals who want to hold a family show.


Frequently Asked Questions – Rental

I do not know how my projector works. Do you also have manuals?

We have manuals available for most projectors. See our spare part finder.

Can I rent a projector or movie viewer so I can watch which films I want to digitize?

Yes, you can. We rent and sell film viewers and film projectors.

What type of 8mm film do I have?

There are two types of 8mm films:

1) super8 / single8

super8 films
super8/single8 film format

super8 films are usually put on coils with an inner diameter of 12 mm

2) regular8 (also called: normal8, standard8)

Regular 8 film (also called standard 8 or just 8mm film)

regular8 films are usually put on coils with an inner diameter of 8 mm

More questions?

Let us know via the contact form