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Gebruikshandleiding van de Bell & Howell Moviemate M410
The Interlock Shop Moviemate fits Bell & Howell DC Servo projectors: 1600 series
with DC motors.
The Moviemate provides an interface which enables programmers, computers and hand
controllers to operate the projector through external remote control cables without
the need for persistent operator intervention at the actual projector.
The Moviemate consists of a circuit board, wiring looms for connections with the
projector, lamp control relay and external connector, optical sensors for frame
movement and end of film markers and an interface cable.
Aantal pagina’s: 22
Hoge kwaliteit scan, ingescand in kleur, 600dpi
Deze Gebruikshandleiding is geschreven in de volgende taal:
EN – English – Instructions for Use / Guidebook / Instruction Booklet / owner’s manual / operating instructions
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