Film Projectors Bolex

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Bolex, Sound TS

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Bolex Sound TS

marketed in 1975
super 8 mm film
lamp: 100 W, 12 V, EFP
lens: Bolex Hi-Fi f: 1.2 \ F: 12.5-25 mm
reel capacity: 180 m
projection: forward, reverse
projection speed: 18, 24 fps
frame counter: yes
film loading: automatic threading
sound: single-system (magnetic playback on main sound track) and double-system (jack for sound synchronized with a external audio unit)
sound mode: mono
amplifier: 1 IC, 18 transistors, 9 diodes
amplifier output: music power 15 W, sinus 10 W
frequency response: 75-10,000 Hz at 18 fps, 75-12,000 Hz at 24 fps, 45 dB
wow and flutter: +/- 0.4 %
public-adress: yes
recording: magnetic recording on main sound track; sound fading, sound-on-sound
recording level control: ALL (Auto Level Limiter) and manual
input terminal: Microphone (0.3-150 mV, 22 kOhms), Phono (50 mV-3 V, 1 MOhm)
input jacks: 5-pin DIN
output terminal: External Speaker (4-6 Ohms, 10 W), Line-out
output jacks: Ext Sp:2-pin DIN; Line: 5-pin DIN
built-in speaker: yes
motor: asynchronous magnetic motor drive
power source: 220-2230-240-250 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 200

weight: circa 8,000 g
dimensions: 200 x 220 x 320 mm
made in Austria by Eumig

Bolex Sound TS

marketed in 1975
super 8 mm film
lamp: 100 W, 12 V, EFP
lens: Bolex Hi-Fi f: 1.2 \ F: 12.5-25 mm
reel capacity: 180 m
projection: forward, reverse
projection speed: 18, 24 fps
frame counter: yes
film loading: automatic threading
sound: single-system (magnetic playback on main sound track) and double-system (jack for sound synchronized with a external audio unit)
sound mode: mono
amplifier: 1 IC, 18 transistors, 9 diodes
amplifier output: music power 15 W, sinus 10 W Meer lezen

Relevant products

Original price was: € 379,00.Current price is: € 359,00.


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  • Bolex Sound TS


Frequently asked questions

Tips for repairing a film projector and addresses for repair shops

Tips for repairing a film projector and addresses for repair shops

Link to this page:

Can I repair my film projector or slide projector myself?

It depends very much on your own dexterity. If a projector has been idle for a long time, a repair often begins with:
  • removing old fat
  • apply new lubrication
  • replacing strings
  • lamp replacement
If you are somewhat handy, the above problems can often be solved yourself, with the right tools and parts. This solves the problems in many cases. However, not always. Other common problems:
  • the lamp base is defective
  • gears are cracked and need to be replaced
  • electronic components are defective. You can think of capacitors, diodes, resistors, ICs.
  • the gripper adjustment is no longer correct
  • the framework setting must be adjusted
  • the cam / cam follower needs to be replaced.
For these problems it is often necessary to call in a professional. For parts to order, see our parts finder . Tools for repairing film projectors and slide projectors Maintenance products for cleaning and lubricating your film projector or slide projector  

Addresses for maintenance and repair film and video equipment

  • Corona Imaging – Almere, +31 (0)36 546 9565 (all)
  • Erik Snel – Drachten, E-mail: (specialist Eumig and mechanical problems)
  • Digital Super8 – Venray, E-mail: – repair of Elmo GS1200 and Bauer super8 projectors. On the basis of intake is determined whether repair is possible or is possibly referred
  • Electro Service Midden Brabant (Udenhout – North Brabant) : Video, Camcorders, Tape recorders
  • Technivision Eindhoven: image and sound equipment repairs
  • Steve De Wachter, E-mail:, Korenbloemstraat 24, 9150 Kruibeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
  • Joel Bleakley – Melbourne area –
France: Italy:
  • Ciao da Francesco E-mail: (16mm, 35mm, 70mm film equipment)
United Kingdom:
  • John White Projector Repair:
United States:
  • John Capazzo – New Jersey USA – Phone: 973 923 0636 – Repairs Elmo, Eumig ans Sankyo
  • Bill Phillips – 16mmprojector repair – Eiki, B&H, Hokushin, Long Island, NY.
  • – Flin, MI, USA – B&H, EIKI, Elmo, Ringmaster
  • Paul Fortea (Chicage area) : Offering worm gear replacement and rebuilds on all Bell and Howell 1500-2500 series autoload or manual load projectors,no slot loads,prices will be very…. basic rebuilds include new aircraft aluminum gear,new main drive motor belt,timing adjustment,cleaning old and new lubrication..any other parts would need to be replaced,any soundboard issues I do not work on,either the board needs to be replaced or you will need to find an electronic person to diagnose,shipping both ways is your cost,if you live in the midwest dropoff is accepted…turnaround times varies,but usually a week or less..please email me if you have interest